I retired from the magistracy in 2015 after 17 years mainly as a presiding justice

United Kingdom
My current blog can be accessed at https://thejusticeofthepeaceblog.blogspot.com/



26. May. 2010. – 12:05:52

It never ceases to amaze me that police forces have moved in a couple of generations from what could loosely be termed amongst the most reactionary of organisations to arguably the most politically correct in this country. In fact we no longer have police forces; we have the police service. Whether the pendulum has swung too far is for individuals to judge for themselves. But there is no denying that it has swung. And nothing typifies that more than the pre occupation with "diversity". We have associations for police officers of all shades [literally], creeds and opinions.....black, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and even pagans are throwing their rights of association into the fractured systems of representation within policing. And with groupings where membership is based on rank it is a wonder there is any cohesion at all. Perhaps the glue that holds all police officers together is one of the oldest such compounds discovered.....the "them against us" adhesive which has been shown in times past to be a force as much against the administration of honest policing as for it.

It seems that notwithstanding the above Hertfordshire police have recruited two humanist advisers. In the full report there is this paragraph;
“Humanism is a religion based on reason not faith, which does not depend on a god or gods, and believes science provides the only reliable source of knowledge in the universe.”

The British Humanist Association defines humanists as follows;
“are atheists and agnostics who make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared human values. We take responsibility for our actions and base our ethics on the goals of human welfare, happiness and fulfilment. We seek to make the best of the one life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves, individually and together.”

There is no mention that Hertfordshire Constabulary is paying for the services of the aforementioned advisers. However this example of supposedly trying to please all the people all the time must cost the organisation in time and materials. Whilst some might find all this uplifting this sorry tale in my humble opinion demonstrates clearly that our society is now based more on drifting sand than solid bedrock.

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