I retired from the magistracy in 2015 after 17 years mainly as a presiding justice

United Kingdom
My current blog can be accessed at https://thejusticeofthepeaceblog.blogspot.com/



13. Apr. 2010. – 18:03:18

Greater Manchester Police have been the subject of a few posts on this blog 26th February included. I`ve also commented unfavourably on the various non police officiates who are regular sights on our streets and who have varying powers the limits of which are not generally known to most people. That aspect of this whole "cheap" policing is not just a factor to be accepted eg bouncers now euphemistically known I believe as door operatives have been given limited powers to hand out instant fines for offences from drinking in an illegal area to disorder, harassment, fly posting and dog fouling.

It is an affront to society to allow groups of people to have so much power and so many varied reasons to question, detain or fine citizens. It often leads to their authority being questioned and that leads some individuals into full face contact with proper police officialdom.

GMP are now abrogating their policing of Oldham`s Metro system. They are creating eighty "Travel Safe Officers" to issue fixed penalty notices, confiscate alcohol and cigarettes, direct traffic, and share police intelligence. And of course they will be issued with that essential requirement of authority on the streets or in this case on the trams; a uniform. Metrolink director Philip Purdy is quoted as saying that during a station block TSOs will be stationed at all entrances and exits to and from the tram stop. A separate team will then board each tram passing through the stop and check tickets. He continued, “The operation is highly visible, acting as a deterrent to other passengers who may consider travelling without a ticket.”

If those responsible admitted that all this delegation of powers is primarily because of the cost saved by employing at low wages those who are not capable of being police officers and therefore benefits the public purse we could have an honest discussion but when we are treated to bland statements that it is all for the public`s benefit it just adds another layer to general disillusion about the type of society that we are becoming; a society where there is uniformed authority with little or no discretion which is empowered to issue various penalty notices acting as police, judge and jury. 

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