I retired from the magistracy in 2015 after 17 years mainly as a presiding justice

United Kingdom
My current blog can be accessed at https://thejusticeofthepeaceblog.blogspot.com/



by TheJusticeofthePeace @ 27. Oct. 2010. – 11:30:58

We occasionally read of attempts by members of the public, dissatisfied with the efforts of their local constabulary, to take matters into their own hands. Such actions are sometimes referred to as vigilantism. But now and again they aspire more to Hercule Poirot than Billy the Kid.

A few weeks ago we had a case of vehicle theft. The CPS narrative was as follows:- Jack was the proud possessor of a classic car, a blue Austin A30 which had seen better days; days for example when the doors locked and the silencer silenced. On the night of its theft Jack was awoken to see his pride and joy being driven off belching smoke at the maximum speed a 1956 1 litre car needing a de-coke could hope to reach. The local cops took all the details the following day and that was that. Like many owners of all manner of old things especially cars Jack was a regular ebayer and during one session of surfing about two weeks after the theft he noticed an auction for parts of a 1956 blue Austin A30. On impulse he contacted the seller who described what he had for sale; namely many many parts for said vehicle. In fact so many parts an enthusiast could virtually rebuild a whole car. By now Jack was almost certain his A30 had been dismantled the value of the parts being considerably in excess of the value of the car as a runner. When the seller told him the parts could be inspected at an address no more than ten miles distant he was convinced his blue baby Austin had indeed been dismantled. On telling his local neighbourhood police officer all this he was advised to buy back a part he was sure came from his car and take it to the police station where further action could be authorised. So he did as requested. He returned with a front off side wing dented and rusted by fifty years` British weather and careless upkeep. With that as evidence police visited the address and arrested the defendant who despite a not guilty plea was convicted by the totally credible evidence of the car`s owner and the fairy tale nonsense the defendant offered.

When the sitting was over and the court cleared even the usually nonchalant CPS prosecutor remarked on his admiration for the determined bulldog spirit of the victim. An unusual case but a breath of fresh air for the bench and for anyone who admires a spirit of “get up and go”.